Version History

LDC 2017.3


New Features:

  • Added Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) fields to the Road Module: Direction of InventoryAccess ControlMedian Type, and One/Two-Way Operations.
  • Updated to support Roadsoft 2017.3.

Raodsoft 2017.3


New Features:

  • Completed code conversion for Pavement Management features with a newly designed Strategy Evaluation and Optimization interface.
  • Added Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) fields to the Road Module: Direction of InventoryAccess ControlMedian Type, and One/Two-Way Operations.
  • Migration of Michigan basemap framework features to MGF v17.
  • Updated Crash data for 2007 - 2015 (2016 data pending finalization by MDOT)
  • Updated Bridge data
  • Added submission feature to send Framework Map Change Requests to MDOT/CSS from Roadsoft map selections.

Bridge Module:

  • Added new Bridge Maintenance fields: Warrantee Project, Reactionary Project, Cost.

Culvert Module:

  • Fixed bug which would reload the selected culverts grid after saving which caused a possible delay and confusion as to which culvert is actually being edited in the module.

Export to File:

  • Added road-related fields to the culvert export field options: Legal System, NFC, City/Twp, Road User-Defined fields, Road User Inventory ID, Lanes, Road Width/units, Surface Type.
  • Added road-related fields to the sign export field options: Legal System, NFC, City/Twp, Road User-Defined fields, Road User Inventory ID, Lanes, Road Width/units, Surface Type.
  • Fixed bug which would exclude Traffic Count Stations with no traffic counts.

Filter Builder:

  • Fixed exception 'Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 0.0 to data type int' when deleting a saved filter.

Framework Change Requests:

  • Added support to submit Framework Map Change Requests to CSS.

Intersection Module:

  • Intersection Layer's stats for intersections now reflect the current filter applied.

Linear Mark Module:

  • Added ability to select Linear Mark segments on the map using the Select by Attribute functionality: by Segment, by PR, and by Framework Segment.
  • Fixed issue with an SQL deadlock when splitting a linear pavement marking segment.

Point PMark Reports:

  • Added missing fields (Length and Length Unit) to the export for the CSV of Point Pavement Marking Inventory Data report

Project Builder:

  • Added two new fields: Warranty Project and Reactionary Project

Road Reports:

  • Added the Rating Memo field to Rating History report.

Routine Maintenance:

  • The Open Saved Routine Maintenance Activity option now has column sorting, filtering,and searching features.


  • Fixed bug causing a return of no results after opening the Filter Builder or Report form for a module and then loading a saved filter if no filter was applied to the map layer.

Sign Module:

  • Fixed bug which prevented printing or deleting a Work Order from within the module.

Sign Search:

  • Fixed exception searching for Sign/Support based on Archived Date.

Sign Reports:

  • Fixed wrapping of Inv. No field on the Sign Inventory Report.

Traffic Count Module:

  • Fixed exception exporting Traffic Count data for MDOT caused by a null value in Station ID.

Work Orders:

  • Fixed bug which would create duplicate work order numbers if done via the Sign Work Order Control form more than once per day.
  • Fixed bug which would return zero results for Guardrail work orders.

LDC 7.10.5


Framework Change Requests:

  • Added option to the Tools menu to annotate and save map framework changes for submission to CSS in Roadsoft.

Roadsoft 7.10.5


Culvert Filters:

  • Added filter fields: Latest Rating Date, Latest Maintenance Date, and Date Installed.

Culvert Module:

  • Fixed out of memory error when loading a large amount of surveys for submission.

Culvert Reports:

  • Fixed truncation of Culvert ID field on Culvert Maintenance History Report.

Export To File:

  • Fixed timeout exception exporting a layer to file for a larger (region) data set using a filter.
  • Added IBR Rating and IBR Year fields to road layer export options.

Framework Change Requests:

  • Added option to the Tools menu to annotate and submit map framework changes to CSS.


  • Fixed crash when applying a saved filter as a selection while the module is open.
  • Fixed exception when adding filter criteria for a text value that includes an apostrophe.

Intersection Module:

  • Intersection Layer now uses the set radius in the Intersection Ranking, Collision Diagram, or Crash Reporting to select an intersection and it's crashes.
  • Intersection Layer's stats for intersections now reflect the inclusion or exclusion of animal crashes appropriately.


  • Fixed exception removing an item from the legend when multiple fields are included in the legend.

Pavement Management:

  • Fixed bug which would not update Surface $/Sq Yd and Shoulder $/Sq Yd fields when using the Ton to Sq Yd Calculation.
  • Fixed bug in Strategy & Optimization which could calculate a lower quantity for a treatment when the treatment's triggers included the reset, e.g., triggers 5-7, reset 7.
  • Fixed timeout issue for larger data sets when rebuilding RSL all segments.

Project Builder:

  • The Project Search/Report form now saves filter settings between sessions.
  • The Project Search/Report reports now only includes selected/checked projects in the currently filtered data set.

Road Module:

  • Fixed timeout occurring during road segment splits.

Road Reports:

  • Added option to Road Rating History report allowing the choice of limiting the report results to a specified date range.

Safety Analysis:

  • (MDOT ONLY): Added the following MDOT Curve-related fields to the Crash Data Interface form: CurveAlignFeatureTypeDescription, CurveDeflectionAngle, CurveDeflectionDirection, CurveDegree, CurveLength, CurveMaxSuperElev, CurveRadius, and CurveSpiralTrans.

Sign Filters:

  • Added Work Order ID to filter fields.

Sign Reports:

  • Added new Maintenance Report for Signs - by Township report which combines sign and location details with the latest maintenance Reason and is grouped by Township.
  • Added new Work Orders - Open Sign Work by Township report which includes a summary of open work order data grouped by Township.
  • Fixed spacing and formatting for Sign and Support Maintenance reports.

Sign Search:

  • Added Work Order ID to search fields.

TAMC Export:

  • Fixed bug in TAMC->Export Road Current Treatments by Location which would include ratings (items with 'None' for the treatment).

Traffic Count Filters:

  • Fixed exception saving traffic count station map selections as a filter.

Traffic Count Module:

  • Added code to update the Pct Commercial field in the Road Module for a station's road segments when updating the value in the Traffic Count Module.
  • Fixed bug where the Recorder Type field always reverted back to a value of Undefined.

LDC 7.8.7



  •  Fixed bug where some dialogs displayed behind the main form on Windows 10 in Tablet Mode.


  •  Added refresh to beam/post/block forms after adding a new guardrail using defaults.

Linear Pavement Marking:

  • Fixed bug where exporting the Pavement Marking LDC data did not include the Images for the marking types.


  • When a Legend is updated and saved, LDC will now reload that legend on startup.

Roadsfot 7.10.4





  • This update requires that ALL computers connecting to shared database be on Roadsoft version 7.10.4.

Bridge Module:

  • Fixed InvalidCastException opening select bridges with invalid PONTIS data.

Bridge Legends:

  • Added Local Maintenance Treatment and Local Maintenance Treatment Year fields.

Crash Filters:

  • Added Past X Years filter to Crash Time filter group. This allows the creation of a filter for the last 5 years of crashes without having to change a year range every year.

Crash Reports:

  • Fixed "Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition" bug in the Standard Crash Report - Milepoints (Detailed)  report when a filter is included.
  • Fixed header page for Standard Crash Report - Milepoints which included milepoints and intersections outside of the reporting range.

Culvert Filters:

  • Added option to filter on Inventory ID.
  • Added option to filter on more than one memo value. Example: Memo like 'C-' AND Memo Not like 'D-'.

Culvert Module:

  • Fixed bug causing a failure to save the docked window layout between sessions.

Export to File:

  • Fixed exception during bridge data export to shapefile where a filter was applied.
  • Removed the time portion from dates when exporting to file (e.g. Crash Date). Instead of 1/1/2016 12:00:00 AM, the date exports as 2016-01-01.
  • Ensured that the UserInvNo and IBR related fields are included for user profiles where customizations are made to their list of road fields.


  • Added ability to filter on blank (empty) memo for all layers.
  • Fixed timeout issues when applying a filter as a selection on the map while the module for the filter layer is open.
  • Fixed bug when filtering using 'Not Like' operator which excluded empty values from results.

LDC Export:

  • Fixed 'Out of Memory' exception exporting a data set to LDC whose items have a large number of attachments, or many high resolution image attachments.

LDC Import:

  • Fixed exception importing LDC Culvert data that includes maintenance.
  • Fixed 'Arithmetic overflow for data type tinyint, value = -1' exception importing LDC culvert data.

Linear Mark Filters:

  • Fixed exception using Not Like operator for the linear mark Memo field.

Linear Mark Reports:

  • Updated Linear Mark Color and Style Length Summary report to total length for dashed lines by multiplying the length by 0.25.


  • Fixed timeout exception when doing an additional search while the module is open.

Pavement Management:

  • Fixed 'Index was out of range' exception loading a saved ESL Analysis.

Point PMark Filters:

  • Added option to filter on Description field.

Point PMark Reports:

  • Added Description field to Point Inventory Report and Point Pavement Mark Maintenance History Report.

Project Builder:

  • 'Open Saved Project' is now a searchable/sortable/filterable dialog.
  • Added context-sensitive help to the Project Builder grid.
  • Removed requirement that Project Location be unique within the database.
  • Fixed 'Invalid Column Name "Selected" exception when opening a saved projects.

Project Reports:

  • Added Road Name and From/To for segments included in Project Costs with Mileage Detail report.

Road Filters:

  • Fixed exception when entering criteria for Shoulder Width field.

Road Legends:

  • Fixed issue in Scheduled Maintenance Year legend which would not render correctly.

Road Module:

  • Fixed rating calculation bug for unpaved roads using the Inventory Based Rating (IBR) system.
  • Fixed exception doing a multi-edit on a user-defined field with a value longer than 25 characters.
  • Fixed bug in multi-edit which would ignore changes to City/Township.
  • Fixed 'Foreign Key constraint' exception editing a rating.

Roadsoft Import:

  • Fixed bug importing sign data in which some work orders would be lost.

Safety Analysis:

  • Added a search box to the Columns tab on the Crash Data Interface form to allow searching by Field Name or Field Description for columns to include in the grid output.
  • When data is exported from the Crash Data Interface or via File->Export to File, Crash Date will only include the date portion.
  • Updated UD-10 download protocol to use TLS 1.2 security transport protocol in preparation for changes by the state.
  • Fixed bug in Crash Data Interface form which would not correctly freeze columns based on the # of Frozen Columns setting.
  • Fixed bug which would output the wrong value for Most Harmful Event on the Crash Data Interface Form and on Export to File.

Sign Work Orders:

  • Fixed bug which included archived signs when filtering to create Work Orders.

Small Segment Tool:

  • Fixed bug which resulted in an unhandled exception if the the max segment length filter was changed and then the form was quickly closed before the update was completed.

TAMC Export:

  • Fixed bug doing Export TAMC Shape File to Council which could cause an exception related to missing GPS Logs.

Traffic Counts:

  • Added Source field for AADT to indicate where the count came from (Manual Entry, Traffic Count Module, NTFA Import, etc). The new field will be available in the Road Module, Traffic Count Module, and Filters.

LDC 7.10.4



  • Added option to Undo a rating entered in the current session in LDC.
  • Fixed bug which could cause the wrong entered rating to display when switching from a paved segment (with an odd numbered rating) to an unpaved segment, and back again.


  • Fixed bug when updating sign info using Sign Defaults where data would not be transferred/updated in Roadsoft.

Roadsoft 7.10.3



  • Added support for SQL Server and SQL Express 2016.

Bridge Module:

  • Fixed 'Input string was not in a correct format' exception loading bridge module for certain bridges.

Crash Reports:

  • Added Road Name and Crossing Road Name to Interchange Ranking Report.

Culvert Module:

  • Added option to the Culvert Waterways Lookup form to import the list of waterways from the base map Hydrography layer that is included with the framework distribution.

Driveway Module:

  • Added ability to set units for Surface LengthSurface WidthLeft/Right FlareLeft/Right Sight Distance, and Left/Right Radius.


  • Fixed issue in filters using 'Not Like' which would include null or empty values.

Guardrail Reports:

  • Fixed issue in Guardrail Length Summary By Jurisdiction report which would display incorrect length totals in comparison with the module.

LDC Export:

  • Fixed 'Out of Memory' exception when exporting a data set containing a large amount of document/photo attachments.

Linear Pavement Mark Filters:

  • Fixed bug in Width field filter which would not allow a decimal value.

Linear Pavement Mark Module:

  • Added flag to allow validation of no linear pavement marks on a road segment.
  • Fixed unhandled 'Index Out of Range' exception when loading the module or selecting a particular linear pavement mark.


  • Improved performance and added progress spinner when applying a large (>1000) selection to the map.
  • Added options to edit Selection ColorOpacity, and Width for each map layer from the Layer Properties window.
  • Printing a map with a legend applied to a line layer (Road, Linear PMark, Sidewalk, etc.), the line sizes will be reflective of what displays on the map.
  • Fixed bug which would cause Roadsoft to crash when trying to add a .kmz file to the map as an external layer. Roadsoft will no longer crash; however, .kmz files are not currently supported. The .kmz file can be unzipped (using 7-zip or winzip) in order to extract the .kml file contained in the zipped .kmz. Once extracted, the .kml file can be added to the map.

Pavement Management:

  • Fixed issue in the Surface Definition form when after adding/editing/deleting treatments, if the grid was sorted the sort order would be lost.

Project Builder:

  • Added option to calculate estimated costs for a project based on the selected segments, the surface type and treatment, and the cost per square yard for the treatment.

Road Module:

  • Added support to use the Inventory-Based Rating (IBR) for unpaved roads via the new IBR tab in the Road module. Unpaved roads will be rated for Width, Drainage, and Structure on a Good/Fair/Poor scale.
  • Changed Traffic VolumePercent Commercial to support a decimal value.
  • Added option to Shoulder window to copy values from right to left or left to right, similar to functionality in Curb/Gutter window.
  • Fixed issue when after updating a segment's Surface Subtype and saying 'Yes' to updating Rating/Treatment History, the history information in the grid would not be updated until closing and reopening the module.
  • Fixed issue when after applying a completed project with the Road Module open, the Road Module would not refresh the Rating/Treatment History for the segments until the module was closed and reopened.

Roadsoft Export:

  • Fixed display issue with the Export Roadsoft Data form which would rearrange the grids making the form unusable when the default operating system dpi setting was changed to a larger font size (over 100%).

Roadsoft Import:

  • Fixed bug which would throw out manually saved road and crash networks on import.

Safety Analysis:

  • Ensured that all available crash fields are available to be viewed in the Crash Data Interface form.
  • Added option to print report for ranked items in Intersection RankingCurve RankingSegment Ranking, and Interchange Ranking forms.
  • Fixed issue running the Crash Summary report from the Crash Data Interface form which would ignore the list of filtered crashes in the grid,and  instead running the report for the entire database.
  • Fixed bug in Crash Data Interface quick filters which would uncheck Start/End Date after browsing for a CS/PR or CS/PR Milepoint Range.

Sign Module:

  • Adding a maintenance item of 'Replace' or 'New Installation' will now also update the Sheeting Install Date to the date of the maintenance without having to restart the module.
  • Corrected Roadsoft Data Statistics (in the Asset Management menu) to count only unarchived signs/supports in the Sign/Support Count and added another line to display archived signs/supports, if any.

Traffic Count Module:

  • Added new menu option to import MDOT Non Trunk Line Federal Aid (NTFA) traffic count AADT data from shapefile.
  • Changed Station Details > Percent Commercial to support a decimal value.
  • Fixed issue: 'Failed trying to populate the grid with the TC Station Network segment information'.

LDC 7.10.3




  • Added ability to set units for Surface LengthSurface WidthLeft/Right FlareLeft/Right Sight Distance, and Left/Right Radius.



  • Added support to zoom in/out on the map using the mouse scroll wheel.


  • Added support to use the Inventory-Based Rating (IBR) for unpaved roads in which roads will be rated for WidthDrainage, and Structure on a Good/Fair/Poor scale.
  • Added User Inventory ID field to the Inventory tab.
  • Added visual indicator (Save Inventory Changes button text turns red) when there are unsaved changes to road data.
  • Added option to Shoulder window to copy values from right to left or left to right, similar to functionality in Curb/Gutter window.
  • Fixed issue so an archived Surface Sub-type would not be available in the Surface Type drop-down.



  • Adding a maintenance item of 'Replace' or 'New Installation' will now also update the Sheeting Install Date to the date of the maintenance without having to restart LDC.

LDC 7.10.2


Linear Pavement Mark:

  • Fixed exception thrown when opening the Edit Defaults option.

Point Pavement Mark:

  • Fixed a 'database is locked' exception saving a Point PMark.

Roadsoft 7.10.2


Crash Data:

  • 2006-2014 crash data is updated to MDOT 2016 format (requires re-download and re-import).
  • 2015 Crash data is now available (requires download).

Crash Filters:

  • Added Driver Condition to filter fields.
  • Fix for Driver Distracted By filter which would not include animal-related crashes (if Animal Crashes were not excluded from the map).
  • Fix for Driver Age filter which would not include animal-related crashes (if Animal Crashes were not excluded from the map).
  • Fix for Driver Condition filter which would not include animal-related crashes (if Animal Crashes were not excluded from the map).
  • Fix for Driver Gender filter which would not include animal-related crashes (if Animal Crashes were not excluded from the map).
  • Fix for Driver Intent filter which would not include animal-related crashes (if Animal Crashes were not excluded from the map).
  • Fix for Harmful Event filter which would not include animal-related crashes (if Animal Crashes were not excluded from the map).
  • Fix for Hazardous Action filter which would not include animal-related crashes (if Animal Crashes were not excluded from the map).
  • Fix for Most Harmful Event filter which would not include animal-related crashes (if Animal Crashes were not excluded from the map).
  • Fix for Vehicle Direction filter which would not include animal-related crashes (if Animal Crashes were not excluded from the map).
  • Fix for Vehicle Special Category filter which would not include animal-related crashes (if Animal Crashes were not excluded from the map).
  • Fix for Vehicle Type filter which would not include animal-related crashes (if Animal Crashes were not excluded from the map).

Crash Reports:

  • Crash Summary Report now runs for all crashes if no PR is selected in Report Options.
  • Fixed 'Arithmetic overflow error' running Crash Severity Tabulation report.
  • Fixed bug in which reports would not include animal crashes, even though animal crashes were included on the map.

Data Import:

  • Fixed primary key violation exception importing Roadsoft data that included culverts.

Driveway Module:

  • For full state distribution, replaced Control Section BMP/EMP with the Control Section Milepoint for Driveway Location.
  • Editable lookups (Culvert TypeDrive TypeEnd Structure) are now editable from within the module.

Export Shapes to File:

  • Added option to export to file based on a saved filter.
  • Fixed SQL Timeout exception exporting road shapes when 5 year/10 year history was included for larger data sets.
  • Fixed bug exporting road data that included the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th user-defined field which would result in 'undefined' for the field exported.
  • Fixed exception exporting linear mark selection to shapefile.


  • Added option to Manage Filters form to rename a saved filter.

Interchange Module:

  • Fixed exception on Edit Interchanges when the map is not loaded (only Crash Data Interface form visible)

LDC Import:

  • Fixed exception referencing 'TAMCLifeExpectancy' column importing road data from LDC.
  • Fixed Primary Key violation importing LDC file with document attachments more than once.


  • Added Latest Inspection Condition to linear pavement mark legends.
  • Legends for external layers should now reapply automatically on restart of Roadsoft.
  • Fixed timeout error in some instances applying a legend to a layer while the module is open.

Linear Pavement Mark Module:

  • Added option to delete a linear mark type image and set it as the default image.
  • Fixed occasional GDI+ exception adding an image for a Mark Type.
  • Fixed bug when editing a Mark Type would not update existing marks until the module was closed and reopened.
  • Fixed bug in which modifying the user length would not update the Totals form.

Linear Pavement Mark Search:

  • Fixed exception searching for linear pavement marks by Road Name or PRNo.


  • Fixed bug which would show no results for selected road segments that are unpaved but validated in LDC data collection (no rating).
  • Fixed bug exporting to Google Earth when the Selection Info window was closed (only 1 row of data would be exported).

Password Reset:

  • Fixed bug resetting passwords when password rules were applied to the database causing Roadsoft to close and login problems.

Point PMark Module:

  • Fixed an exception adding a point pavement mark when the layer was not loaded.

Project Reports:

  • Added PASER Rating to Projects by Year report.

Road Filters:

  • Added From Description and To Description as filterable fields.
  • Fixed bug when saving a filter where road segments were manually selected and a new filter name was applied causing the filter criteria to not save.

Road Module:

  • Added Project Number/ID to Road Rating/Treatment History when added through a project.
  • Added option for Road Treatment in the multi-edit tool to leave a rating unchanged (rating of zero).
  • Added UserInvID field to allow user to define an inventory ID for a road segment.
  • Fixed issue that could allow deletion of the last alias on a road segment.
  • Fixed bug which didn't update map labels when road segment aliases were changed or multi-edited.
  • Fixed erratic zoom behavior of the Road Module Mini-map.

Road Search:

  • Fixed bug after multi-editing road segment names which would cause road name search to fail to find the newly entered Segment Name.
  • Fixed bug which would sometimes show multiple rows for a segment with different aliases.

Routine Maintenance Reports:

  • Reverted the Routine Maintenance by Year report to contain original fields contained in Roadsoft versions prior to 7.8.6.
  • Created new Routine Maintenance by Connected Segment report.

Safety Analysis:

  • Added Export to File (csv, dbf, shp, etc.) for Curve Ranking form.
  • Added Export to File (csv, dbf, shp, etc.) for Segment Ranking form.
  • Added Export to File (csv, dbf, shp, etc.) for Interchange Ranking form.
  • Added option to Collision Diagram form to select an intersection by Control Section.
  • Added option to Summary Crash Statistics - Intersection report to select an intersection by Control Section.
  • Added option to Find Crash form to search by Control Section/Intersection.
  • Added code to save TCFA, TCIA, and TCPDO settings when changed on the Intersection Ranking, Segment Ranking, Curve Ranking, and Interchange Ranking forms.
  • Interchange Ranking now can include segments marked as Interchange Influence Areas from Safety Analyst.
  • Fixed erratic behavior of checkboxes to include/exclude values from series on Crash Trend Analysis form.

Sign Library:

  • Fixed an exception loading an image to a user-defined sign.

TAMC Export:

  • Fixed exception 'TAMCLifeExpectancy could not be bound' when exporting Road Planned Treatments by Location.

Traffic Count Module:

  • Fixed an exception adding a traffic count station when a Duration or Interval legend was applied.

Traffic Signal Search:

  • Fixed an 'Invalid column name' exception searching by road name.

Work Orders:

  • Added Work Order Dates (entered & completed) to filter fields for Culvert, Guardrail and Sign Modules.
  • Default Work Order Completion Date is set to 1/1/1900 to indicate not yet completed.

Roadsoft 7.10.1



  • Modified the Reset Window Layout settings to allow module window layouts to be reset even when they are open (all modules).

Bridge Module:

  • Fixed Bridge Printscreen report to match layout of module. Fixed data truncation issues.
  • Fixed bridge selection problem in the mini-map where the wrong bridge was displayed in the module when a new selection was made.

Crash Module:

  • Fixed map loading exception when the Crash layer was not in the current view.

Driveway Module:

  • Added additional location info to the Driveway Identification section: PR, Road Name, Control Section, CS Milepoints

Intersection Module:

  • Added Over/Underpass lookup value for Intersection Type.

LDC Import:

  • Fixed exception importing a data set that includes document attachments and a Crew longer than 25 characters.


  • Fixed bug in Linear Pavement Marking legend for Marking Type which would not always display correctly.

Linear Pavement Mark Filters:

  • Fixed bug where newly added pavement marking type(s) would not be available for filters.
  • Fixed 'Invalid Column' exception filtering on multiple fields.

Linear Pavement Mark Module:

  • Invert Order button now automatically saves the change to the database.
  • Fixed bug where the map and mini-map would not be updated when adding or reordering shapes.
  • Fixed exception on click to delete a marking when there are no markings on a segment.
  • Fixed inconsistent behavior when changing selections and removed the prompt to confirm the change of selection.
  • Fixed issue creating a project from a filter which would not display the project in the module until the module was closed and reopened.


  • Added LastRating and LastRatingDate to the Selection Info window for the Road layer.
  • Added the Centerline Miles to the selection description in the Selection Info window for road selections (previously included Lane Miles only).
  • Added the following options to Map Layer Properties for raster layers (ecw, sid, etc.): Brightness, Contrast, Grayscale, RedBand, GreenBand, BlueBand, AlphaBand, RedBrightness, GreenBrightness, and BlueBrightness.
  • Fixed data duplication issue in the Selection Information window caused by selection of a road segment that is on the boundary between two counties.
  • Fixed zoom to selection for the Intersection layer so it zooms to the extent of the 150 foot circle.
  • Fixed bug exporting layer selection to shape, kml, dbf, etc. which would not always include the complete selection.
  • Fixed exception exporting road shapes to file when any Routine Maintenance fields were included.

Pavement Management:

  • Added Life Expectancy value which can be applied to treatments in the Surface Type Definition form. This value will be transferred to both the project when the treatment is used and to the TAMC Project Export.
  • Added option to Surface Type Definition form to select multiple treatments and archive all at once.
  • Added option to Surface Type Definition form to hide archived treatments.
  • Added clarification to Surface Type Definition treatment column headers for: Surface ($/Sq Yd), Shoulder ($/Sq Yd), and Cost ($/Lane Mile).
  • Fixed overflow error if a deterioration curve does not have any years at PASER 10. Curve Definition form now requires at least 1 year at PASER 10.
  • Fixed 'Object Reference' exception in Curve Definition form after clicking the Undo Changes button.

Point Pavement Mark Module:

  • Fixed exception saving empty maintenance item (added code to default work date to today's date).

Point Pavement Mark Reports:

  • Added a Total label to Point Summary by Type report and Point Summary by Type and Material Report.
  • Fixed Point Inventory Report to show full lane direction description rather than the abbreviation.

Road Filters:

  • Added a Road Segment Length (Miles) filter field to allow filtering by small segment length.

Road Module:

  • Fixed bug which caused the Legal System field to be editable for a Michigan jurisdiction.
  • Fixed issue where module selection (current segment being viewed) would be reset to the first segment on the first PR in the list when the map selection was updated.

Road Reports:

  • Fixed exception running Compare Rating History Report caused by multiple ratings on the same day.

Safety Analysis:

  • Added context-sensitive help to fields in Curve Ranking, Segment Ranking,  and Intersection Ranking forms.
  • Added option to export crashes to shape, csv, dbf, etc. for selected intersection on Intersection Ranking form.

Sign Module:

  • The drop-down list of MUTCD codes in the module now shows the top 20 most used codes first to make selection of common sign codes easier.
  • Fixed issue where newly added supports did not display on the map if they were added by someone logged into a profile other than Admin.
  • Fixed exception when deleting the last sign on a support.
  • Fixed exception adding/editing a sign or support when a sign-related legend was applied to the map.
  • Fixed exception saving a sign where the background material had been applied via the saved sign default, but the selected default background material was previously deleted from the lookup table.
  • Fixed exception editing the location and referenced road of a support when the support had not been entered via LDC GPS collection.

Sign Reports:

  • Fixed Maintenance Report for Signs so it only includes sin Support info.
  • Sign and Support Maintenance Work Reason by Year report has been modified to center the data and automatically adjust for additional work reasons.

TAMC Asset Management Planning Reports:


  • Added a Pavement Condition Summary Report - All Roads that contains surface condition and RSL Summary for all roads.

Traffic Count Module:


  • Fixed exception loading the module when a road filter was applied that excluded one or more of the segments included in a traffic count station's segments.

Work Order Control:


  • Fixed"Sequence contains more than one matching element" exception on the removal of a work order where more than one work order was selected.

LDC 7.10.1



  • Fixed "object disposed" exception which occurred occasionally on startup.

Linear Pavement Mark:

  • Fixed export "zlkWO_Status table was not found" exception.


  • Added a new setting, GPS Map Icons, to the Map View Adjustments options. TheGPS Map Icons setting allows for the customization of the GPS crosshair and arrow properties (both size and color).


  • Added options for copying and applying default values based on a selected segment for both Curb/Gutter and Shoulder data fields.
  • Fixed issue of the map failing to zoom to the road extent on startup of the LDC.


  • Added visual indicator to Retroreflectivity collection; when a sign is rated the shape turns green.
  • Fixed bug which would not show a second sign added to a support during Inspection data collection.

Roadsoft 7.10.0


New Features:

    • Migration to FW 16
    • Crash/Safety Module Rewrite
    • Point Pavement Marking Module Rewrite
    • Driveway Module Rewrite
    • Bridge Module Rewrite

Bridge Module:

  • Fixed permission issue which allowed user profiles to edit and delete existing local maintenance activities regardless of 'read-only' permission assignment.   

Crash/Safety Module:

  • The module was re-written and re-designed. A UD-10 Viewer was added allowing the download and viewing of a UD-10 for a crash within the module without an installed PDF Reader.
  • Added the option to include or omit a cover sheet with crash reports.
  • Fixed usability issue, added the Run Ranking button to the Columns tab.
  • Added the ability to view the map in the SMS Crash Data Interface (when map is disabled).
  • Fixed issues with data alignment and formatting on the Standard Crash Report - Entire PR.Fixed SMS Crash Data Interface to remove invalid crashes from the queue.
  • Updated the search form used for Crash Reports.
  • Fixed issue on crash reports generated from SMS Crash Data Interface where date range displayed in report header even when not used.

Culvert Module:

  •  Fixed exception when editing stream crossing photos caused by duplicate images in the database.
  •  Fixed exception after editing culvert locations where shape remained in the traveler.
  •  Fixed exception after deleting last culvert on a PR.
  •  Fixed interface issues allowing support for text completion in drop-down menus.

Data Import:

  •  Condensed message when importing data under step 2 in the TAMC menu options.

Driveway Module:

  •  Added document attachment feature.
  •  New feature that allows lines to be drawn on a radius, like in a cul-de-sac.
  •  Updated driveway lookup architecture and design to align with code in Linear Pavement Mark Module.
  •  Fixed exception after deleting last driveway on a PR.

Guardrail Module:

  • Fixed consistency issues between some field values (changed to Yes/No in place of True/False), and added a default date for the Inventory Date field.
  • Fixed LDC Guardrail import issue where string was truncated because it was too long.
  • Fixed export issue where side of street had different values than the module.

Interchange Module:

  • Interchange access moved from the Tools menu to Asset Management.

Linear Pavement Module:

  • Fixed data display issue within the Selection Information area after field update on newly added linear marks.


  •     Added the option to export the Selection Information window data to a .csv.

Point Pavement Marking Module:

  • The module was re-written and re-designed.
  • Added document attachment feature.
  • Fixed exception after deleting last point pavement mark on a PR.
  • Fixed exception exporting point pavement data.
  • Added a new report Point Pavement Mark Maintenance History Report.Project Builder:

Project Builder:

  • Changed functionality where form now opens after a project is re-segmented.
  • Fixed exception when changing Completion/Open to Traffic date.

Sign Module:

  • Fixed exception running the Sign Inventory Report.
  • Added the Memo field to the Selection Information window.
  • Fixed issue where sign code defaults failed to load when the global defaults were not previously set.

Traffic Count:

  • Fixed exception after editing traffic count locations where shape remained in the traveler.
  • Added Memo field to the ADT and Volume History Reports, also added to exports.

Work Order Control:

  • Fixed exception using the Filter Builder with Avg Daily Traffic <= 1700 as filter criteria.

LDC 7.10.0


New Features:

  • Data collection for Point Pavement Markings has been implemented.
  • Updated to support Roadsoft 7.10

Driveway Module:

  • Added document attachment feature.
  • New feature that allows lines to be drawn on a radius, like in a cul-de-sac.

Guardrail Module:

  • Fixed LDC Guardrail import issue where string was truncated because it was too long.
  • Fixed consistency issues between some field values (changed to Yes/No in place of True/False), and added a default date for the Inventory Date field. 

Point Pavement Marking Module:


  • Designed and wrote new module.
  • Added document attachment feature.

Roadsoft 7.9.0



  • New Features:
    • Safety Analysis rewrite
    • Bridge Module Rewrite (not officially released)
    • Point PMark Module Rewrite (not officially released)

Bridge Module:

  • The module has received a face lift to mirror the look and feel of the other Roadsoft modules like Road, Sign, and Culvert. 

Crash Module:

  • The module has received a face lift to mirror the look and feel of the other Roadsoft modules like Road, Sign, and Culvert. A UD-10 Viewer was also added to download and view a UD-10 for a crash within the module (no PDF Reader required).

Point PMark Module:

  • The module has received a face lift to mirror the look and feel of the other Roadsoft modules like Road, Sign, and Culvert. 

Safety Analysis:

  • The crash Safety Analysis tools have been rewritten with an updated interface and functionality to meet the needs of traffic and safety analysts.


Roadsoft 7.9.1


Crash Reports:

  • Fixed PDO Flag on One Line Listing Report which was showing 'Yes' for crashes with injuries.
  • Improved formatting for One Line Listing Report.
  • Improved formatting for Standard Crash Report-Control Section Milepoints (Detailed) Report.
  • Improved formatting for Standard Crash Report-Entire Control Section Report.
  • Improved formatting for Alcohol Related Crashes by Control Section Report.


  • Implemented Password Rules option (from Tools->User Options menu) to enforce password rules: min 8 characters, expire in 90 days, can't be reused for 1 year.

Safety Analysis:

  • For whole state database (MDOT), Map is hidden and Crash Data Interface form is shown by default.
  • Implemented rewritten/redesigned Collision Diagram with improved icons, intersection drawing, and reports.
  • User can now set a filter as the startup filter when editing 'Advanced Filter' on the Crash Interface form.
  • UD-10 Download: Fixed exception handling for download timeout issues.
  • UD-10 Download: Added warning when downloading more than 100 UD-10s at a time.
  • UD-10 Download: Added right-click map option to download UD-10s for the currently selected crashes.
  • UD-10 Download: Added Safety Analysis Menu option to download UD-10s for the currently selected crashes.
  • UD-10 Download: Added right-click option to Selection Info Grid to download the UD-10 for the highlighted crash.
  • UD-10 Viewer: Added File menu options: (1) Save the combined downloaded UD-10s as a single file; (2) Save the UD-10s as individual files to a folder.

LDC 7.8.6



  •  Fixed bug adding beam/post/block when defaults are on.

Linear Pavement Marking:

  •  Fixed intermittent database locked errors.

Roadsoft 7.8.7



  • Roadsoft will no longer run on Windows XP.
  • Roadsoft will no longer connect to a SQL 2005 server instance.
  • New feature added to lock the database as "Read-Only" preventing edits or imports until the database is unlocked. This feature is located in the Tools option on the main menu.

Culvert Module:

  • Fixed bug for Read-Only user which would not load Ratings, Maintenance, Work Orders, or Stream Surveys.
  • Fixed Culvert Work Order Print to show user work order ID rather than internal Roadsoft ID.

Cloud Management:

  • New feature added providing delete capability to files which have been uploaded from Roadsoft and/or Roadsoft Mobile to cloud storage.This feature is located in the Tools option on the main menu.

Export to Shapefile:

  • Fixed bug where Surface Subtype Description was truncated to 20 characters for Export Road shapes.
  • Fixed exception when exporting a built-in layer (like Road) when the Display Name had been changed.

LDC Import:

  • Fixed bug importing Guardrail data where user length is measured in feet and the value is >999.


  • Legend Builder form now displays the name of the currently saved legend (or 'Unsaved Legend').

Linear Pavement Marking Filters:

  • Fixed bug where a manually selected segments filter would return no records. 

Linear Pavement Marking Module:

  • Fixed Project Add/Edit form so adding a Project Number or Contractor is simpler.
  • When marking a project as complete, a dialog will display with today's date for project completion which can be overridden.
  • Inspections are now listed in descending date order (newest first)


  • Fixed exception printing map when layers included an external layer in a different projection.

Road Filters:

  • Fixed bug filtering on Project when one or more projects in the database had a Project Number greater than 20 characters.
  • Added Memo field from Road Treatment History data to filter fields.
  • Added >, >=, <, <=, and <> operators to Treatment Date, Treatment Year, and Historical Year filter fields.

Road Module:

  • Added ability to add a 'New Construction' treatment to a segment with history if it predates all treatment/rating history for the segment.
  • Added ability to change the date of a road treatment.
  • When changing segment(s) Surface Sub-type, user is now given the option to update rating/treatment history to reflect the updated Surface Sub-type.
  • When selection is changed and a PR no longer has any selected segments, that PR is removed from the list of selected PRs.

Road Reports:

  • Changed Routine Maintenance Report to include Road Name and the From and To descriptions.
  • Fixed bug in Rating History Reports where either incomplete data or no data was returned.

Sign Filters:

  • Fixed bug running saved filter with 'Work Order Activity' field.

Sign Reports:

  • Added a new report that displays Sign and Support maintenance and maintenance reasons within a given time period.
  • Added separate maintenance reports: one for signs and one for supports.
  • Modified text file export of Sign/Support Maintenance report to match the format of the selection information grid data.

Roadsoft 7.8.6


Culvert Module:

  • Fixed code to allow removal of a single culvert from a work order with multiple culverts.

Culvert Reports:

  • Added Simplified Report of Culvert Ratings. Includes Culvert ID, Road, Waterway, City/Twp, Latest Rating Date and Ratings

Document Attachments:

  • Fixed exception when searching for a document.
  • Fixed form layouts where search box would be obstructed/hidden when the form was resized.

Export to Shapefile:

  • Fixed export code to remove temporary files when exporting to shapefile/kml.

Guardrail Module:

  • Re-wrote the Add/Edit Guardrail location form to function as it did prior to version 7.8.0.
  • Fixed code to allow removal of a single guardrail from a work order with multiple guardrails.
  • Fixed bug after deleting a guardrail, the mini-map would become locked.


  • Fixed bug in Export to file which would cause columns to shift to the left if the first column for a row had no data (empty or null).
  • Modified the Reports form so it now remembers the last report run for a module.

Road Filters:

  • Added ADT and ADT Date filter fields.

Sign Filters:

  • Added filter fields for maintenance, both historical and latest: Date, Reason, Activity, Authorization.


Traffic Count Module:

  • Fixed bug which showed "Save Station Changes?" message when switching between stations, even when no changes were made.