Version History
LDC 2022.7
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2022.7. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2022.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Culvert:
- Fixed bug adding a Culvert which could leave Owner and Custodian empty.
- Linear Pavement Marking:
- Fixed bug adjusting a split point after splitting a segment.
Roadsoft 2022.7
- Culvert Module:
- Added multi-edit for Culvert Custom Fields via the Asset Management->Culvert Management menu.
- Added Inspection Frequency (months) and Next Inspection Year to the module data fields.
- Culvert Reports:
- Added Culvert Condition Improvement reports (by City/Twp, Material, and Waterway) to show summary of culverts whose ratings improved to a 10.
- Added Culvert Inspection Rating Improvement reports (by City/Twp, Material, and Waterway) to show summary of culverts whose inspection ratings improved to Good.
- Custom Fields:
- Added function to edit custom field Label, Abbreviation, and/or Description. Applies to Culvert, Sign/Support, Drainage Network, and Road.
- Fixed exception deleting a Custom Field Lookup value.
- Drainage Structure Reports:
- Added option to Drainage Structure Work Order History report to filter work orders by status.
- Added External ID field to Drainage Structure Work Order History report.
- Export to File:
- Added TAMC Project Classification field to Road export field list.
- Fixed bug in export to LDC for Drainage Pipe data that was filtered.
- LDC Export:
- Fixed exception importing Culvert data from LDC because of null value in OwnerCode.
- LDC Import:
- Fixed exception importing Culvert data from LDC because of null value in OwnerCode.
- Linear PMark Module:
- Fixed timeout error saving linear mark segment data.
- Map:
- Fixed bug saving map as image which would sometimes throw an exception and other times not save the current map.
- MIRE Update:
- Simplified the process of pushing local MIRE data into MDOT data and exporting to a zipped file geodatabase.
- Pavement Management:
- Fixed intermittent app lockup after rebuilding RSL or running Strategy/Optimization.
- Road Module:
- Added multi-edit for Road Custom Fields via the Pavement Management menu.
- Road Reports:
- Added option to group the following reports by County (for Regions): 'Surface Rating Mileage Summary For A Given Year' and 'Surface Rating Mileage Summary For A Range of Years'
- Added 'Legal System Mileage by County', 'Surface Type Mileage by County' and 'Miles Rated (Paved) By County' reports
- Sign Module:
- Added multi-edit for Sign/Support Custom Fields via the Asset Management->Sign Management menu.
- Traffic Signal Module:
- Fixed bug selecting a signal location on the map and opening the module.
- Work Order Manager:
- Fixed bug which would show incorrect number of checked work orders.
Roadsoft 2022.4.1
- Bridge Module:
- Bridge Maintenance will allow more than 1 unique project per day on a bridge.
- Culvert Module:
- Fixed bug which was causing extreme slowdown or lockup when saving data for a single culvert with a large (1000+ shapes) selection on the map.
- Export to File:
- Fixed bug exporting to Shapefile, KML, dbf, or File Geodatabase for a layer that had no Custom Fields setup (Road, Sign, Culvert, Sidewalk)
- Fixed bug exporting to file for Road when the FCC (removed) or ThruLanes columns were included in the export.
- Guardrail Module:
- Fixed bug which was causing extreme slowdown or lockup when saving data for a single guardrail with a large (500+ shapes) selection on the map.
- Map:
- Fixed bug making a layer visible/invisible via the Manage Layer Visibility form if the layer has an apostrophe in the name.
- Pavement Management:
- Fixed bug calculating Current Rating which would use the last rating value even if the rating date was years ago.
- Moved Pavement Management menu items from under Asset Management menu to top-level menu.
- Point PMark Module:
- Fixed bug which was causing extreme slowdown or lockup when saving data for a single PMark with a large (500+ shapes) selection on the map.
- Project Builder:
- Changed default trigger for unpaved surface treatments to not change the rating (can be overridden by user)
- Road Module:
- Changed default trigger for unpaved surface treatments to not change the rating (can be overridden by user)
- Fixed bug which was causing extreme slowdown or lockup when saving data for a single segment with a large (1000+ shapes) selection on the map.
- Road Reports:
- Added Road Ownership Report showing road segments with Ownership (city/twp), Legal System, Restriction, and Surface Type.
- Fixed exception which prevented the Good/Fair/Poor Summary w/Chart from running.
- Sign Module:
- Fixed bug which was causing extreme slowdown or lockup when saving data for a single support/sign with a large (1000+ shapes) selection on the map.
- Fixed bug in sign search which could include archived signs whose support was not archived, even if archived signs was excluded.
- Traffic Signal Module
- Fixed bug selecting traffic signals on the map and opening the module.
LDC 2022.4
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2022.4. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2022.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Fixed issue setting Cloud Key from the Login Form (to download database) which would not save the cloud key to settings.
- Fixed exception 'no such table: zlkFW_FIPS' opening an LDC database for a Township jurisdiction.
Roadsoft 2022.3.1
- New Features:
- Added Custom Fields to the Road Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- Added LDC Export/Import from Cloud.
- Added process to update local data with MIRE data from MDOT and to submit data changes to MDOT for MIRE Surface Type, Through Lanes, Median Type, Facility Type, Travel Direction, Access Control, Traffic Control, and Geometry.
- Complete overhaul/redesign of the Bridge Module to simplify the data to better reflect the MiBridge data source.
- Migration of Michigan basemap framework features from v21 to v22.
- Crash (2012 - 2020) data updated and migrated to v22. NOTE: 2021 crash will not be available until it is finalized by MDOT after April.
- Bridge data updated and located to v22 centerline.
- Bridge Reports:
- Bridge reports overhauled, redesigned and modernized, including the Print Bridge report.
- Culvert Module:
- Added Owner and Custodian fields to the Culvert Module to indicate the owning agency and the agency that maintains the culvert.
- Drainage Network Module:
- Fixed bug editing Drainage Structure location if module was opened via Drainage Pipe or Basin.
- Framework Migration:
- Added option to the Asset Management menu to view 'Unmigrated Segments'. Displays a grid of segments that did not migrate from the previous FW Version. User can zoom/select shapes on the map.
- Guardrail Module:
- Added Guardrail Type lookup field to the module.
- Pavement Management:
- Fixed bug running Project Planner reports which would indicate no data available when there actually was data.
- Road Module:
- Fixed exception applying a filter as selection while the module is open.
- Safety Analysis:
- Fixed bug in Intersection/Segment/Curve/Interchange Ranking which would ignore a filter when printing the report.
LDC 2022.3
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2022.3. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2022.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- New Features:
- Added LDC Export/Import from Cloud.
- Added Custom Fields to the Road Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- Culvert:
- Added Owner and Custodian lookup fields to the module.
- Guardrail:
- Added Guardrail Type lookup field to the module.
- Added option to apply defaults to the current guardrail.
- Road:
- Added option to Settings->Road menu to Auto Populate Rating History when selecting a segment. This option is off by default for better performance.
Roadsoft 2022.1.1
- New Features:
- Added Custom Fields to the Sign Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- Crash Filters:
- Fixed exception adding Intersection Maintained By field to filter criteria.
- Culvert Data Interface:
- Fixed exception running Latest Stream Crossing Data Sheet from the Culvert Data Interface
- Culvert Module:
- Added a mini-map to the Culvert module.
- Drainage Network Module:
- Implemented import from shapefile to populate Drainage Pipes.
- Fixed issue with map full extents caused by the pipe direction shape drawing.
- Fixed issue on initial load of module with Drainage Structures selected on multiple PRs where the full list wasn't loading.
- Driveway Module:
- Added a mini-map to the Driveway module.
- Export to File:
- Fixed export to ESRI File Geodatabase which was not outputting the coordinate system or projection.
- Filter Builder:
- Added option to main form Settings menu to change the default setting for whether new filters are shared.
- Guardrail Module:
- Fixed exception editing location of a guardrail where the intersection point for the segment is non-numeric.
- LDC Import:
- Fixed bug importing Road data for older map version which would appear to import but data was never updated.
- Linear PMark Module:
- Fixed bug selection info on the map which would display the incorrect material or '[Not Entered]'.
- Fixed bug with the Has PMarks legend which would not update after adding a mark to a segment that had none, until restart of Roadsoft.
- Point PMark Module:
- Added a mini-map to the Point PMark module.
- Updated Lane Direction lookup to include Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, and All Lanes.
- Road Data Interface:
- Fixed exception running 'Detailed Road and Segment', 'Current PASER Rating', and 'Last Rating Entered' reports from the data interface form.
- Road Filters:
- Fixed IBR Year, Historical filter so values show up in descending order in combo box.
- Road Legends:
- When changing a lookup value for a User-Defined Field, any legend that uses the field value will now be updated after reapplying the legend.
- Road Module:
- Fixed bug in curve deterioration when inferring treatments which could incorrectly identify an unchanged rating as a treatment.
- Road Reports:
- Added option to report on Right Of Way for Road Detailed Road and Segment report.
- Roadsoft Export:
- Fixed bug when exporting Traffic Signal data with work orders where the work order data would be empty.
- Roadsoft Import:
- Fixed exception importing export file that contains Drainage Structures.
- Safety Analysis:
- Fixed bug running reports from Crash Ranking forms (Intersection, Segment, Curve, Interchange) which would not include all results from the grid.
- Sign Module:
- Fixed timeout changing Sign Category Weights for databases with a large number of signs.
- Added Custom Fields to the Sign Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- TAMC Export:
- Added stats message after Region Export of PASER to xml indicating # of segments and total centerline miles output.
- Fixed bug in region export of PASER xml data that could result in segments with both PASER and IBR ratings.
- Traffic Signal Filters:
- Fixed exception adding Communication Cabinet Location field to filter criteria if one or more Signal Locations has a value greater than 50 characters.
- Traffic Signal Module:
- Fixed bug in the Work Orders which would not show Competion Date when status was set to Completed.
- Fixed bug in the Has Documents view which would prevent all selected signal locations to be displayed in the selection info window.
- Fixed bug in the module when changing Maintained By, data would not actually save.
- Traffic Signal Reports:
- Removed duplicate records from Communication Cabinet Report and updated/modernized the report.
- Work Order Manager (2022.1.1):
- Fixed multiple issues with the new Work Order Manager for Sign data.
LDC 2022.1
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2022.1. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2021.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Culvert:
- Fixed bug where deleted culvert would still be selected and editable in the module.
- Fixed bug which would not export Culvert if an inspection were added but the Culvert was not edited or added.
Roadsoft 2021.10.1
- Bridge Reports:
- Fixes to the Bridge Maintenance report for truncation of maintenance date and missing Structure #. Also added the location and feature under the bridge
- Culvert Module:
- Added new Culvert Inspection form to support TAMC Culvert data collection and the latest AASHTO Culvert and Storm Drain System Inspection Guide
- Added new Material field and lookup values to replace the old Type field. Includes an automatic conversion of easily convertible values.
- Added new Material Subtype field with editable lookup to give user additional option to further define culvert material.
- Added new Shape field and lookup values to replace the old Shape field. Includes an automatic conversion of easily convertible values.
- Added Custom Fields to the Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- Culvert Reports:
- Updated/modernized the Culvert Inventory report
- Drainage Network Module:
- Added flow indicator to map for drainage pipe.
- Fixed adding new structure so the new structure becomes the currently selected one if the module is currently open
- Fixed buggy drawing/selection issues of linked drainage structures to create a pipe.
- Driveway Module:
- Fixed Apply button on the Defaults for to actually apply the defaults to the current driveway.
- Export to File:
- Added option to export data to ESRI File Geodatabase, using the Field Description (spaces removed) as the output field name.
- Added option to exclude the current year when exporting Road data including 5 or 10 Year Historical Ratings.
- Added PR Name to Drainage Structure export layer fields.
- Fixed bug in Drainage Basin export which would show some fields more than once.
- Filter Builder:
- Fixed bug exclusion of filter fields/groups (right-click on the field list) which would not save the exclusions between sessions.
- Framework Migration:
- Fixed bug in migration of GPS-ed signs because of PRs that no longer exist.
- Guardrail Reports:
- Updated/modernized the Guardrail Inventory report
- Intersection Module:
- Minimap now displays Sign Shapes for Stop and Yield signs at an intersection.
- Minimap now displays a Traffic Signal Shape for Signal Location at an intersection.
- Intersection Reports:
- Updated/modernized the Intersection Inventory report
- LDC Import:
- Fixed 'broken uncompressed block' exception importing a TAMC file with a GPS log that is corrupted.
- Legend Builder:
- Added option to move legend items up/down in the list.
- Linear Mark Module:
- Fixed bug adding a project which would not allow any date to be entered into any of the date fields.
- Fixed 'shape not found' exception opening the Edit Linear Mark Types dialog when a filter is applied to the map.
- Point Pavement Marking Reports:
- Updated/modernized the Point Summary by Type report
- Project Builder:
- Fixed bug in Project Reports which would reset all unchecked projects back to checked after viewing a project in the list.
- Fixed missing Project Map Report error.
- Road Filters:
- Added an 'Is Paved' filter field
- Road Legends:
- Added a 'Paved/Unpaved' legend field
- Road Module:
- Fixed bug for anything that used Last IBR Rating view (map selection info, export to file, reports) which would show the incorrect rating from a previous year.
- Road Reports:
- Updated/modernized the Boundary Road report
- Fixed missing RSL Summary w/Chart report
- Routine Maintenance:
- Fixed unhandled exception loading Routine Maintenance projects list.
- Sidewalk Module:
- Updated/modernized the Print Sidewalk report
- Sign Module:
- Updated/modernized the Print Sign and Support report
- Fixed sign/support multi-edit to exclude archived signs/supports from the edit list.
- Sign Reports:
- Added Sign Face Direction to Retroreflectivity reports
- Updated/modernized the Sign & Support Inventory report
- Traffic Signal Module:
- Updated/modernized the Print Traffic Signal report
- Traffic Signal Reports:
- Fixed truncation exception running Traffic Signal Communication Cabinet report if the Cabinent location text was too long
LDC 2021.10
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2021.10. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2021.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Culvert:
- Added new Culvert Inspection form to support TAMC Culvert data collection and the latest AASHTO Culvert and Storm Drain System Inspection Guide
- Added new Material, Material Subtype and Shape fields.
- Added Custom Fields to the Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- Road:
- Improved performance when selecting a segment and saving ratings, particularly in larger jurisdictions with multiple years of rating history.
- Improved GPS snapping for closely spaced road segments like boulevards and divided highways.
Roadsoft 2021.6
- Culvert Module:
- Updated/modernized the Print Culvert report.
- Database Manager:
- Fixed exception connecting to a non-TDG instance of SQL Server.
- Drainage Network Module:
- Fixed bug which would not clear a deleted structure from the map.
- Fixed bug which would leave a duplicate record in Map Selection Info after editing the location of a Drainage Structure.
- Fixed bug when editing location of a Drainage Structure which would error out and delete the structure if the user just clicked OK without changing anything.
- Driveway Module:
- Added option to apply Default values when creating Driveways.
- Updated/modernized the Print Driveway report.
- Filter Builder:
- Fixed 'Maximum Recursion 100 has been exhausted' exception loading filter list containing a large number of saved filters.
- Fixed bug in Filter List where search would not properly limit the list based on the text entered.
- Framework Migration:
- Road Segment Migration Summary report and export now include Rating/Treatment History.
- Guardrail Module:
- Updated/modernized the Print Guardrail report.
- Intersection Reports:
- Fixed exception doing an export on the 'CSV of Intersection Inventory Data' report when a filter was applied.
- Map:
- Added support for using the mouse-wheel to zoom the map on the Add Point form.
- Added support for using the mouse-wheel to zoom the map on the Add Guardrail form.
- Added option to map Measure Tool to follow road segments for measurement.
- Project:
- Builder Added ability to view multiple projects on the map from the Project Reports form.
- Point Pavement Mark Module:
- Maintenance Work Type is now an editable lookup.
- Updated/modernized the Print Point PMark report.
- Road Module:
- Updated/modernized the Print Road Segment report.
- Sidewalk Legends:
- Added Inspection Date and Inspection Year to Sidewalk Legends.
- Sidewalk Module:
- Fixed bug in Sidewalk Condition legend field which would not update the map correctly.
- Sign Module:
- Updated/modernized the Print Sign/Support report.
- Fixed exception opening the module or making a selection when the selection includes signs on boundary roads on the north or west border of the jurisdiction.
LDC 2021.6
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2021.6. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2021.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Map:
- For a database with Work Orders, added an option to view work orders and zoom in to each asset containing the selected work order.
- Point PMark:
- Fixed exception selecting a Point PMark on a north or west boundary road.
- Sign:
- Fixed bug which would require resetting the docked window state on every new startup.
- Fixed exception selecting a Sign on a north or west boundary road.
Roadsoft 2021.4
New Features:
- Added export to Roadsoft Mobile for Guardrail data collection.
Crash Module:
- Fixed bug loading a UD-10 in the module for the first crash selected requiring the user to hit 'Retry' to actually load the PDF.
Cloud Management:
- Agency Cloud key is now stored in the database rather than the user's settings.
Framework Correction Requests:
- Fixed exceptions saving request if the Road layer was not active or if more than one road segment was selected..
Framework Migration:
- Fixed exception migrating Road IBR data due to null 'Edited By' values.
Pavement Management:
- Surface Condition Trend Analysis: Added option to report on centerline miles instead of lane miles.
Sign Filters:
- Added Background Color and Legend Color to Filter Fields list.
Sign Module:
- Update Sign Type to 'Warning' for Object Marker signs--any MUTCD code that starts with 'OM'
TAMC Export:
- Fixed bug exporting project data which would tag Bmp/Emp fields with upper case BMP/EMP which caused rejection by IRT.
LDC 2021.4
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2021.4. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2021.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Added City/Twp (read-only) to the Culvert Identification section.
Point PMark:
- Added City/Twp (read-only) to the Identification section.
- Added City/Twp (read-only) to the Support Location section.
Roadsoft 2021.3
New Features:
- Migration of Michigan basemap framework features from v20 to v21.
- Crash (2011 - 2019) data updated and migrated to v21.
- Bridge locations migrated to v21. Note: Bridge data has not been updated at this time.
Cloud Management:
- Fixed exception message if user entered an invalid cloud key.
Culvert Module:
- Added search by Culvert Memo field
Framework Migration:
- Added export to file for Migration Summary reports.
- Added option to Migration Summary for Road Segments to add a layer to the map that will display the previous version shapes for road segments that could not be migrated.
Guardrail Filters:
- Added Post Space filter field
- Added 'Select by Lasso' option for map selection on non-Road layers
Road Legends:
- Fixed Latest IBR Structure Rating legend field which was not applying correctly.
Roadsoft Mobile:
- Fixed 'invalid column name latitude/longitude' exception importing from Roadsoft Mobile.
Safety Analysis:
- Fixed exception printing Collision Diagrams.
Sign Module:
- Added search by Sign Memo field
- Fixed intermittent exception adding a new sign.
LDC 2021.3
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2021.3. Please Note: This version will require a new export from Roadsoft for data collection.
LDC 2020.1
- NOTE: Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft. This version will NOT install on Windows 7. Windows 8.1 or newer is required.
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2020.1
- Fixed bug which would allow adding an asset even after GPS was disconnected.
Roadsoft 2021.1
- New Feature:
- Added support for Roadsoft Mobile collection of Drainage Structures (points).
- Culvert Module:
- Added Inspector to Culvert Rating/Inspection.
- Drainage Network Module:
- Fixed bug after multi-editing which would throw and exception: 'Non-static method requires a target'.
- Fixed bug making selections which would not update the PR Grid in the module properly.
- Export to File:
- Fixed bug exporting Drainage Structures which would not use the selected column order.
- Fixed exception exporting Drainage Structures including any 'units' fields and some of the Road-related fields.
- Filter Builder:
- Added Date Last Edited and Date Last Run columns to Filters for additional management options.
- Added indicator to show if a filter is in use by another filter or a Strategy/Project Plan.
- Intersection Module:
- Fixed exception searching for an intersection by Road Name.
- Map:
- Fixed 'Field does not exist or is marked as deleted' exception when clicking on an external polygon layer using the Spatial Selection Tool.
- Safety Analysis:
- Fixed exception exporting crash to shapefile from the SMS Interface form.
- TAMC Export:
- Fixed bug in TAMC Bridge Export report which would hide the first bridge's maintenance info.
- Traffic Count Module:
- Redesigned map selection and point adding to better illustrate segments included in a traffic count station.
LDC 2021.1
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2021.1.
- Culvert:
- Added Inspector to Culvert Rating/Inspection.
- Map:
- Fixed exception when clicking to add an asset when too far away from any road segment.
- Road:
- Fixed exception saving IBR Rating if the user removed all treatments from Gravel/Earth surface types.
Roadsoft 2020.10
- Fixed exception loading Roadsoft Data Statistics.
Pavement Management:
- Fixed Surface Condition Trend Display form to update chart and data when the Year From/To is changed.
- Added item to the Deterioration Curve Settings Form: InitialAge and SinglePointMethod.
Project Builder:
- Fixed slowness caused by the Project Map on opening the Project Search form with a large amount of projects in the filter.
- Fixed timeout exception opening a saved Project from the Project Search form.
- Fixed inability to re-segment an existing project.
Road Filters:
- Changed User Inventory ID filter field to allow multiple values.
- Added missing operators to Surface Rating, Historical.
Road Module:
- Fixed '@prNo is not a parameter...' exception when doing multi-edit for a PR from within the module.
Road Reports:
- Fixed bug in Good/Fair/Poor Summary w/Chart and Remaining Service Life (RS) Summary w/Chart reports that reported incorrect mileage that didn't match the current filter.
Routine Maintenance:
- Fixed slowness caused by the Project Map on opening the Routine Maintenance filter form with a large amount of projects in the filter.
Traffic Count Filters:
- Changed User Station ID filter field to use Like/Not Like operators.