
Roadsoft Version 7.8.0 Released

This month, several significant updates were released in Roadsoft 7.8. These changes affect the way customers interact with aspects of both Roadsoft and the Laptop Data Collector (LDC). However, the most significant change will have our customers reaching for their mobile devices.

Roadsoft Data Cycle

This Roundup covers how the Roadsoft data cycle works to share information between Roadsoft and the Laptop Data Collector.

Improving Performance

This roundup covers two tools that can help improve the performance of your Roadsoft database.

Help Manual Now Available Online

Check out our newest version of Roadsoft Roundup to learn about our new online help manual and upcoming features being added to Roadsoft.

Roadsoft and HPMS Reporting

This issue discusses the development and use of Roadsoft's Traffic Count module for Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) reporting.

Stream Crossing Reporting

The total rewrite of the Culvert Module (Roadsoft 7.5) added the ability to add Great Lakes Road Stream Crossing Inventory data to culverts.

A Redesigned Road Module

Roadsoft's Road module has been redesigned with the addition of new some features and improvements to others.

A More Engaging

The Roadsoft website has been completely redesigned, and new features such as forums have been added.

20-Second Tips

Roadsoft has a lot of features that are too small to fill a Roundup on their own. In this issue, we look at a few of these features including external layer support, exportable and printable maps, custom field labeling, and coordinate display unit selection.
Issue 15.2 |

Shaping Tomorrow's Roadsoft

This issue discusses enhancements and upcoming changes for Roadsoft, including the impact of Microsoft support changes and the successes of the Point Pavement Marking focus group.