
Roadsoft and the LDC are updated to version 7.8.7. The update and complete list of changes are available on the…

This issue highlights the experiences of our customers and team members during the Roadsoft on the Road on-site training and support events held this year. This latest issue is located…

As of January 1, 2016 the CTT will no longer support Roadsoft, Laptop Data Collector (LDC), or MERL on Windows XP or SQL Server 2005 due to product support termination by Microsoft. A…

The update to Roadsoft Mobile 2.0 is now available for download. New features in Roadsoft Mobile 2.0 include sign maintenance and inspection features, editing of sign and support information,…

Roadsoft and the LDC have been updated to version 7.8.6. The update and complete list of changes are available on the…

This issue includes the recent highlights, hot topics, and work plan discussions from the Roadsoft User Group meetings held this year. This latest issue is located…

Subsequent to Microsoft’s termination of support for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Windows XP, the CTT will no longer support Roadsoft, Laptop Data Collector (LDC), and MERL on Windows XP or…

Roadsoft and the LDC have been updated to version 7.8.5. The update and complete list of changes are available on the Downloads page.

The Roadsoft 7.8.4 update and the complete list of changes are available at Roadsoft Downloads

In addition to the improvements and bug…


This issue discusses enhancements and upcoming changes for Roadsoft, including the impact of Microsoft support changes and the successes of the Point Pavement Marking focus group. This latest…

Roadsoft and LDC 7.8.3 Update

Roadsoft 7.8.3 and LDC 7.8.3 (as of June 12) are now available for download. The update and the complete list of changes are available…