
The latest release for Roadsoft and LDC is available. This release updates Roadsoft and the Laptop Data Collector (LDC) to version 2019.6. 

This minor update addresses some small bug…

The latest release for Roadsoft and LDC is available. This release updates Roadsoft and the Laptop Data Collector (LDC) to version 2019.4. 

This minor update addresses some small bug…

The latest release for Roadsoft and LDC is available. This release updates Roadsoft and the Laptop Data Collector (LDC) to version 2019.3. 

The Roadsoft update includes numerous…

Microsoft announced that after January 14, 2020, they will no longer provide security updates or support for Windows 7. In response to this announcement, the CTT will also no longer support or…

Microsoft announced that SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008R2 are reaching the end of their extended support lifecycle in July, 2019.…

Roadsoft Roundup v18n4 is now available. This issue…

An update to Roadsoft Mobile is now available for download. Roadsoft Mobile version 2018.12 adds the ability to add, edit, and delete signs/supports, as well as culverts. In addition, a new…

The latest release for Roadsoft and LDC is available. This release updates Roadsoft and the Laptop Data Collector (LDC) to version 2018.11. 

The Roadsoft update includes numerous…

The latest release for Roadsoft and LDC is available. This release updates Roadsoft and the Laptop Data Collector (LDC) to version 2018.10. 


The Roadsoft…

During the Roadsoft User Group (RUG) meeting held on August 2nd, many items were discussed regarding the needs and features our customers would like to see for 2019 development…

The latest release for Roadsoft and LDC is available. This release updates Roadsoft and the Laptop Data Collector (LDC) to version 2018.7. 


The Roadsoft…

The latest release for Roadsoft and LDC is available. This release updates Roadsoft and the Laptop Data Collector (LDC) to version 2018.5. The updates and a complete list of changes are available…

The Center for Technology & Training (CTT) announces a call for participation in a focus group planned for 2018. As a part of the 2018 Roadsoft work plan, standardizing incongruent areas of…

The latest release for Roadsoft and LDC is available. This release updates Roadsoft and LDC to version 2018.4.

The latest Roadsoft and LDC releases are available. This release updates Roadsoft and LDC to version 2018.3. The updates and a complete list of changes are available on the…

This issue announces the release of Roadsoft 2018.3, which streamlines the Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) data collection process and provides a number of feature and interface…

This issue announces the new Project Planning & Selection tool, and gives a brief overview of some of the features and functionality that it provides. It also discusses Microsoft's…

The latest Roadsoft and LDC releases are available. This release updates Roadsoft and LDC to version 2017.12. The updates and a complete list of changes are available on the…

The latest Roadsoft and LDC release is available. This release updates Roadsoft and LDC to version 2017.11. The updates and complete list of changes are available on the …

This issue discusses the Roadsoft User Group meeting, along with the subsequent 2018 Roadsoft work…