Add, Edit & Delete Sidewalks

Having sidewalk data such as length, width, curb ramp, and other relevant details are important for maintenance planning. Although road agencies may not always be the responsible party for sidewalk maintenance, having sidewalk data is still useful when planning roadway work on roads due to their close proximity.

While Roadsoft can be used to record new data on sidewalks, the Laptop Data Collector (LDC) is ideal for collecting sidewalk information. To use the LDC for sidewalk data collection, see Add, Edit & Delete Sidewalks in the LDC.

The Sidewalk Module includes inspections, work orders, and document attachment features. See Add, Edit & Delete Sidewalk Inspections, Add New Work Order, and Add, Open & Delete Document Attachments for detailed instructions on these features.

Some fields in the Sidewalk Module use lookups, the customizable selections found in most drop-down lists within Roadsoft. For help using Sidewalks lookups, see Add, Edit & Delete Sidewalks Lookups.

Add Sidewalks

With the Sidewalk layer visible and active:

Zoom to the desired location on the map.

Select the Add Feature button from the Map Tool Options.

Select the Add Sidewalk… option.

Select a road segment from the Add Sidewalk window.

Select the sidewalk placement.

Select the Left button to put the sidewalk shape on the left side of the road segment.

Select the Right button to put the sidewalk shape on the right side of the road segment.

Select the Both Sides button to put sidewalk shapes on both sides of the road segment.

The map highlights the selected side(s) in orange.

Select the Switch Reference Point button to change which end of the road segment the sidewalk uses as a reference.

Select the Feet/Miles button to switch the Length and Reference Dist. fields between using feet and miles as measurement units.

The label on the Feet/Miles button displays as either Feet or Miles depending on the current measurement selection.

Select the Length field to enter a specific length of the sidewalk.

Select the Lock Length checkbox to lock the sidewalk length and prevent changes while setting the reference distance.

Select the Reference Dist. field to enter the distance from the sidewalk to the reference point.

Changes to this field along with the Length determine the BMP and EMP.

Select the Save button to create the sidewalk or select the Cancel button to discard it.

Select fields to enter sidewalk information.

Select the Minus button next to a section to hide fields and select the Plus button next to a section to reveal fields.

City/Township – The city or township the sidewalk is located in.

Between Roads – The names of the roads at the ends of the sidewalk.

BMP – The mile point at which the sidewalk begins.

EMP – The mile point at which the sidewalk ends.

Segment Name –The name of the road the sidewalk is located on.

Roadsoft automatically fills the Location fields, which are not editable.

Side of Street – Select the Drop-down list to select the direction of the sidewalk in relation to the street.

Length (ft) – Select the field to enter the sidewalk length in feet.

Changing the length of the sidewalk may change the sidewalk’s location.

Parkway Width – Select the field to enter the width of the unpaved space between the curb and the sidewalk and select the Drop-down list to select the measurement units.

Thickness – Select the field to enter the thickness of the sidewalk and select the Drop-down list to select the measurement units.

Width – Select the field to enter the width of the sidewalk and select the Drop-down list to select the measurement units.

Contractor – Select the field to enter the name of the contractor who installed the sidewalk.

Install Date – Select the Drop-down menu to select the installation date of the sidewalk.

Permit – Select the field to enter any permit information related to this sidewalk.

Maintained By – Select the Drop-down list to select the entity maintaining the sidewalk.

Start Curb Ramp – Select the Drop-down list to select the sidewalk design at the beginning of the sidewalk.

Start Curb Ramp ADA Compliance – Select the Drop-down list to indicate whether the start curb is ADA compliant.

End Curb Ramp – Select the Drop-down list to select the sidewalk design at the end of the sidewalk.

End Curb Ramp ADA Compliance – Select the Drop-down list to indicate whether the end curb is ADA compliant.

Material – Select the Drop-down list to select the material that makes up the sidewalk.

Relation to Street – Select the Drop-down list to select the description that best fits the sidewalk’s position in relation to the road.

Memo – Select the field to enter any additional information relevant to the sidewalk.

Select the Check Box button next to fields in the Sidewalk Obstructions section to document any objects within the sidewalk path (example: trees, fire hydrants, etc.).

The Sidewalk Obstructions section uses lookups. For instructions on using these lookups, see Add, Edit & Delete Sidewalk Lookups.

Select the Save button to save entered sidewalk information, or select the Undo button to discard it.

Edit Sidewalks

With the Sidewalk layer visible and active:

Select the desired sidewalk from the map.

Select the View Module button.

Select the Edit Location… link to change the location of the sidewalk.

Select the Switch Reference Point button to change which end of the road segment the sidewalk uses as a reference.

Select the Feet/Miles button to switch the Length and Reference Dist. fields between using feet and miles as measurement units.

The label on the Feet/Miles button displays as either Feet or Miles depending on the current measurement selection.

Select the Length field to enter a specific length of the sidewalk.

Select the Lock Length checkbox to lock the sidewalk length and prevent changes while setting the reference distance.

Select the Reference Dist. field to enter the distance from the sidewalk to the reference point.

Changes to this field along with the Length determine the BMP and EMP.

Select the Save button to move the sidewalk or select the Cancel button to discard the change.

Select fields to edit.

See the Add Sidewalks section above for field descriptions and use instructions.

Select the Check Box button next to fields in the Sidewalk Obstructions section to document any objects that could obstruct pedestrians using the sidewalk.

Select the Save button to save any changes or select the Undo button to discard them.

Delete Sidewalks

With the Sidewalk layer visible and active:

Select the desired sidewalk from the map.

Select the View Module button.

Select the Delete Asset link from the bottom of the Sidewalk Information section.

Select the Yes button to delete the sidewalk or select the No button to cancel the action.