Measure the Total Length of Roads

While the Measure tool is often used to measure the shortest distance between two points, it can also measure the actual length of one or more roads. Selecting roads with the Measure tool open will measure the total length of the roads. To use the Measure tool to find the distance between points, see Measure the Distance between Assets.

When the Measure window opens, it automatically docks in the main Roadsoft window and is pinned so that it stays open even when not selected. To unpin the window so that it closes when unselected, see Pin & Unpin Windows. To move the Measure window’s position within the Roadsoft window, or undock it into a separate window altogether, see Dock & Undock Windows.

Select the Road layer.     

Select the Measure tool from the Map Tool Options.

Select the Selection tool.

Select the roads from the map.

For more information on selecting assets, see Use the Selection Tool.