Measure the Distance between Assets

The Measure tool in Roadsoft measures the direct distance between two or more points on the map. Using the Measure tool will also open the Measure window. This window displays the total distance between points in several units, including statute miles and kilometers. Points can be snapped to assets on multiple layers, but only one layer may have points visible and usable at a time. All points, including ones snapped to assets, will remain when switching the measure tool to another layer.

When the Measure window opens, it automatically docks in the main Roadsoft window and is pinned so that it stays open even when not selected. To unpin the window so that it closes when unselected, see Pin & Unpin Windows. To move the Measure window’s position within the Roadsoft window, or undock it into a separate window altogether, see Dock & Undock Windows.

Select the Measure tool from the Map Tool Options.

Select the Snap To drop-down menu to select a layer to snap measurement points to.

Snap points appear as yellow dots on the map. If the snap points do not appear automatically, select anywhere on the map to make them appear.

Select points on the map to add them to the measurement.

Select any point on the map to add a measurement point, or select a yellow dot to snap the measurement point to an asset.

Select a measurement point to remove it.

Select a measurement point and drag it to move it.

Select the Finish button to clear the measurement.