Version History

Roadsoft 2018.7


Bridge Filters:

  • Fixed bug which would produce inconsistent results for equals versus not equals for Approach Span Design filter field.

Crash/Safety Analysis:

  • Fixed Crash Data Interface (SMS) form so the crash data grid columns are user resizable.

Document Attachments:

  • Added confirmation dialog when deleting an attachment to prevent accidental deletion.
  • Fixed bug in Culvert attachments which would cause documents to disappear when switching between selected culverts.
  • Fixed bug in Culvert attachments which would cause documents to disappear after saving Culvert data.

Export to LDC:

  • Fixed bug which show the 'Select Saved Filter' dialog more than once when exporting data to LDC with a saved filter.

Export to Mobile:

  • Fixed bug which show the 'Select Saved Filter' dialog more than once when exporting data to Mobile with a saved filter.

Linear Mark Reports:

  • Added totals footer for each PR on the Color and Style Length Summary report.


  • Fixed bug which would reset Map Window Dock State after closing a module.

Sign Module:

  • Fixed an issue with the property grid which would display a red x rather than fields when running on a shorter screen resolution.
  • Fixed a bug which would prevent saving an edited support location when just changing the side of street.

LDC 2018.7


Document Attachments:

  • Added confirmation dialog when deleting an attachment to prevent accidental deletion.

LDC 2018.6



  • Fixed an issue where the application would be unresponsive after login on high dpi displays.


  • Added scrollbar and adjusted control sizes to allow access to IBR Rating controls on a shorter screen resolution.


  • Fixed an issue with the property grid which would display a red x rather than fields when running on a shorter screen resolution.

Roadsoft 2018.5


New Features:

  • Added Drainage Structure module to allow tracking of drainage-related point features such as Catch Basins, Manholes, etc. The module includes collection via the Laptop Data Collector as well as tracking of Inspections and Work Orders.
  • Completed code conversion of Sidewalk Module including an updated interface, Inspections, and Work Orders.
  • Updated the font throughout Roadsoft to improve readability.
  • Updated Crash data for 2008 - 2017 (re-import of data required).
  • Bridge data updated as of 5/1/2018 (re-import of data required).
  • Developed a Bridge Condition Dashboard that provides data and graphical summaries of bridge condition by ownership.

Bridge Module:

  • Added a new Condition Based Performance Measure field to the Inspections window that provides a calculated Good/Fair/Poor rating based on National Bridge Inventory condition ratings for Deck, Superstructure, Substructure, and Culvert. The condition is determined by the lowest rating of these items.
  • Added a new Filter Builder field for Condition Based Performance Measure.
  • Added a new Deck Area field to the Dimension window which provides a square foot calculation from Bridge Length and Width-Out to Out.
  • Added a new Filter Builder field for Deck Area.

Crash Filters:

  • Fixed exception selecting the Intersection Radius (ft) field and added additional operators.

Sign Module:

  • Added the Retro Measurement Failed field to the Legend Builder.
  • Added the Description field to the Sign Work Order Report.

LDC 2018.5


New Features:

  • Added data collection features for the Drainage Structure Module to allow tracking of drainage-related point features such as Catch Basins, Manholes, etc. The module includes tracking of Inspections and Work Orders.
  • Added data collection features for the Sidewalk Module including Inspections, and Work Orders.
  • Updated the font throughout LDC to improve readability.


  • Updated to support Roadsoft 2018.5


  • Fixed saved legend loading issue occuring on startup.

Roadsoft 2018.4



  • Added support for SQL 2017.

Culvert Module:

  • Added new culvert rating fields.
  • Added calculation feature that automatically adds a Culvert Rating based on the lowest rating selection of the 6 Culvert Rating Elements .
  • Corrected the Skew Angle allowable values (-90 to 90).
  • Changed Type field name to Material Type.
  • Added new picklist values for Shape: Box, Multi-cell Box, 3-sided, and Slab/Superstructure & Abutment
  • Added new picklist values for Material Type: Plastic, Timber, Steel, Aluminum and Concrete
  • Added Asphalt and Concrete picklist values for Road Surface (in Stream Crossing).
  • Changed the Date Installed field name to Install Date.
  • Changed the No. of Culverts field name to Number of Culverts.
  • Changed the Wetland Prot Act field name to Wetland Protection Act.
  • Adjusted GPS Located field values from True/False to Yes/No.
  • Added field descriptions (help context) for all module fields and rating fields.

Filter Builder:

  • Adjusted filter to locate culvert Skew Angle values outside of the -90 to 90-degree range and also any undefined values.
  • Added unit filtering for Depth of CoverElevationHeightLengthRiseSpan, and Width fields.

LDC 2018.4


Culvert Module:

  • Added new culvert rating fields.
  • Added calculation feature that automatically adds a Culvert Rating based on the lowest rating selection of the 6 Culvert Rating Elements.
  • Corrected the Skew Angle allowable values (-90 to 90).
  • Changed Type field name to Material Type.
  • Added new picklist values for Shape: Box, Multi-cell Box, 3-sided, and Slab/Superstructure & Abutment
  • Added new picklist values for Material Type: Plastic, Timber, Steel, Aluminum and Concrete
  • Added Asphalt and Concrete picklist values for Road Surface (in Stream Crossing).
  • Changed the Date Installed field name to Install Date.
  • Changed the No. of Culverts field name to Number of Culverts.
  • Changed the Wetland Prot Act field name to Wetland Protection Act.
  • Adjusted GPS Located field values from True/False to Yes/No.
  • Added field descriptions (help context) for all module fields and rating fields.

LDC 2018.3


New Features:

  • TAMC Data Collection now requires a Local Crew, a Region Crew, and an MDOT Crew when logging into the LDC for data collection.
  • TAMC Data Collection for unpaved roads now uses the Inventory Based Rating (IBR) system.
  • Updated to support Roadsoft 2018.3.


  • Fixed issue which causing the History tab to show up twice after switching from a TAMC database to a non-TAMC database.
  • Fixed issue which causing windows to be displayed truncated which required resetting the dock window layout for the Road Module.

Roadsoft 2018.3


Culvert Module:

  • Fixed Culvert Rating list and Culvert Maintenance list to always display in descending date order (newest to oldest).

Filter Builder:

  • Fixed bug causing an exception when loading a saved filter using the 'Not Empty' operator.

Guardrail Filters:

  • Added filters for Side of StreetGPS LocatedDate InstalledYear InstalledApproach FlaredDeparting FlaredHas ReflectorsInspectors,Memo field on inspections, and Post/Beam/Block Type along with their Descriptions fields.

Guardrail Module:

  • Added 'Repair Moderate' and 'Repair Critical' to the Guardrail Condition lookup for inspections.

Intersection Module:

  • Added 'Over/Underpass' to the Geometry lookup to better identify (and filter out) intersections that do not actually cross at grade.

LDC Import:

  • Fixed bug importing culverts from an LDC export causing an exception on null WidthUnit values.
  • Adjusted import for LDC road data so it will maintain shoulder data when the width is collected but the type is not.

Pavement Management:

  • Fixed 'key not found in collection' exception creating project maps for the Project Planner Detailed Report when a treatment name contains a trailing space.
  • Fixed bug in the Project Planner Condition by Year Report which was incorrectly calculating the Average PASER Rating.

Point PMark Filters:

  • Fixed the ROAD: Control Section field; Operator and Field Group were swapped.
  • Fixed the Inspection Date field so the Values drop-down contains a list of dates previously entered in the field.
  • Fixed the Condition field so it works like other condition/rating fields; allows multiple values and has all operators including greater than/less than variants.

Sign Filters:

  • Fixed 'Primary Key Violation' exception adding 'Last Visual Condition' filter criteria.

Sign Library:

  • Fixed occasional bug selecting certain signs in the filtered grid causing a 'DataGridView Default Error Dialog'.

Sign Module:

  • Fixed bug causing the inclusion of archived signs in the Support label on the map.

TAMC Export:

  • Updated the data format and new fields to meet new Asset Management PASER and IBR data collection requirements for 2018.
  • Fixed bug in the TAMC Project Export grid which shows 'Value must be numeric' when the Cost column has focus and the cursor is moved off the postion.

Traffic Count Module

  • Added User Station ID and Road Name fields to available fields to label Traffic Count Stations on the map.

LDC 2017.12



  • Updated to support Roadsoft 2017.12


  • Fixed Specified cast is not valid exception when adding a new culvert.


  • Added validity checking when adding measurement reading for Sign Retroreflectivity.

Roadsoft 2017.12


Bridge Module:

  • Fixed bug which was preventing editing the Bridge Maintenance 'Completion Date'.

Guardrail Module:

  • Added Road Name column to selection information grid.

Pavement Management:

  • Fixed discrepancy between Strategy Design Chart and the same chart on the Strategy Report.
  • Fixed formatting for mileage on Strategy Maintenance Performed report to show 3 digits of precision.

Project Builder:

  • Fixed bug that was addding projects with a status of Planned as Scheduled Maintenance.
  • Fixed bug that was excluding projects with a status of Planned from the project list in the Project Builder and project reporting.

Road Module:

  • Fixed bug which caused loading failure of the From/To Desc when switching segments in the Road Module minimap, resulting in a 'missing parameter' exception on save.

Road Reports:

  • Fixed bug in the Annual Project report which was displaying duplicate rows for jurisdictions in multiple counties.

Safety Analysis:

  • Fixed exception downloading UD-10s caused by insufficient security settings.
  • Added code to prevent downloading more than 1000 UD-10s in a single batch.
  • Changed UD10 download warning message to state that more than 250 UD-10s in a single batch could result in a timeout.

Roadsoft 2017.11


New Features:

  • Project Planner Tool is now available under the Asset Management -> Pavement Management menu. This tool provides a graphical interface for planning and selecting future road projects based on predicted pavement deterioration, treatment options, treatment costs, and budget by either using a Strategy or a Filter of roads.

Export to File:

  • Added missing longitude field to the Point Pavement Marking export feature
  • Added road-related fields (NFC, Surface Type, Lanes, etc.) to the Crash export feature
  • Added MUTCD, MUTCD Description, and Sign Description fields to the Sign export feature

Guardrail Filters:

  • Added a filter field for User Guardrail ID.

Intersection Module:

  • Added option to print the current intersection in the module.

Intersection Reports:

  • Added Intersection Inventory Report with Legs report that contains detailed inventory information relating to each intersection including intersection legs.
  • Added code to flash the segment on the Mini Map upon selection of an intersection leg in the Intersection Leg grid.

LDC Import:

  • Fixed an exception importing a pre-2017.8 LDC Export with road data which would fail on a missing 'MIRESurfaceType' column.


  • Added option to clear the current Spatial Map Selection when using the Spatial Selection Information tool.
  • Added option to turn on map viewer scrollbars (on by default) which gives the ability to pan the map using the scrollbars without changing map mode.
  • Added option to the tools menu to manually plot a point on the map using decimal latitude/longitude values.

Pavement Management:

  • Fixed bug which would throw an 'Index was out of range' when closing the Strategy Design window when the Budget form was undocked from the Optimize Design tab.
  • Fixed data discrepancy between the 'Average PASER Rating' graph and the 'Average PASER Rating Report'.

Project Builder:

  • Fixed the exception 'Sequence contains no elements' occurring when changing a project that would remove it from the filtered list of projects.

Road Module:

  • Added the following fields to the Print Segment Report: User Inv ID, Divided Direction, Access Control, Median Type, Traffic Operations, Government Ownership, and MIRE Surface Type.

Sign Filters:

  • Fixed bug which would calculate incorrect results for 'undefined' user-defined field values.

Sign Reports:

  • Added sign and support reports that include user-defined fields.
  • Added option to Archived Sign Report for filtering and sorting

LDC 2017.11



  • Updated to support Roadsoft 2017.11


  • Expanded theCulvert Maintenance Memo field to display the whole memo when disabled.
  • Changed the Culvert Rating Memo field to display as an empty field rather than having a zero when there is no value entered.


  • Fixed bug where an IBR Rating from the previously selected unpaved road segment was carried forward when adding a PASER rating to a paved road segment.
  • Fixed bug where the Surface Subtype picklist was not refreshing after selecting a new database.

LDC 2017.8



  • Updated to support Roadsoft 2017.8

Roadsoft 2017.8


Bridge Module:

  • Fixed bug in Bridges on selected PR grid which showed no data for Location column.

Culvert Filters:

  • Fixed Primary Key Violation exception when adding one of the Latest Maintenance fields to a filter if the data has a culvert with multiple maintenance items on the same date.

Culvert Reports:

  • Fixed truncation of Culvert ID column in several reports.

Export to File:

  • Fixed bug which would exclude traffic count stations with no traffic counts.

Framework Migration:

  • Fixed issue that could cause a Transaction Log for Database is Full exception during migration.

Intersection Module:

  • The module was re-written and re-designed with a consistent look and feel to match the other modules.
  • Implemented Intersection Search by Road NamePRNoControl Section, and Point ID
  • Added a Geometry field to replace the legacy Intersection Type field to support Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) reporting requirements.
  • Updated the Traffic Control field to replace the legacy Traffic Control field to support Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) reporting requirements.
  • Added list of segments that comprise an intersection with identification and direction designation to support Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) reporting requirements.

Intersection Reports:

  • Added Framework Point ID and AADT fields to the Intersection Inventory Report

Pavement Management:

  • Added a MIRE Surface Type to Surface Type Definition report in support of the Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) reporting requirements.
  • Fixed rare error opening the Surface Condition Trend form
  • Fixed error that occurred when opening a saved strategy where the filter no longer contains all of the subtypes present at the time the strategy was created.
  • Fixed error occurring when applying the saved Dock Window for the Optimization Design form.
  • Cleared the read-only lock that prevented the editing of optimized strategy plans.


  • Added new map selection mode: Spatial Selection Information. While in this mode, clicking on a map feature displays information on that feature and any other features on the visible layers it touches (within a user-definable buffer) without losing any currently selected features on the map.

Road Legends

  • Added a Routine Maintenance Status field to list of legend fields.

Road Module

  • Fixed bug in the Multi-Edit of Inventory data which would show no rows to edit.
  • Added a Governmental Ownership MIRE field to the module which relates to Legal System (Act51). This field is read-only for MI jurisdictions.

Sign Library:

  • Added another fix to prevent the Out of Memory exceptions when performing multiple searches, without closing the form.

Sign Module:

  • Fixed bug which would not refresh the Support Inventory form after archiving a support.

LDC 2017.5



  • Added User-defined fields to the sign module; similar to implementation in the Road Module.
  • Added option to reorder signs on a support.

Roadsoft 2017.5


Culvert Module:

  • Added City/Township field (read-only) to Culvert Identification grid.
  • Added Road Name and fixed field truncation on the Culvert Print Screen report.

Driveway Module:

  • Added City/Township field (read-only) to Driveway Location grid.

Export to File:

  • Added Road Name to the Traffic Count export file.

Framework Migration:

  • Fixed a bug occurring during Guardrail migration which results in guardrails not migrating correctly due to missing a departing point id for non-GPS collected guardrails.
  • Fixed bug which would not migrate IBR data correctly.
  • Fixed rare 'Primary Key Violation' exception migrating Road Segment Aliases.

Guardrail Module:

  • Added City/Township field (read-only) to Guardrail Identification grid.

Pavement Management:

  • Fixed bug in Strategy where the Optimizer form was not getting refreshed after editing settings.
  • Fixed 'Null Reference' exception opening/creating a strategy when the strategy's filter includes border segments that have a county of 'Other'.

Point PMark Module:

  • Added City/Township field (read-only) to Physical Location grid.

Road Module:

  • Fixed discrepancy in road multi-edit of Surface Design data and the module.
  • Fixed bug in the Road History Edit form where the Purpose field was not populating when editing an existing record.
  • Fixed rare 'Primary Key Violation' exception after editing/viewing certain segments in multi-edit for the Segment Name field.
  • Fixed bug which would show 'TAMC Validated/IBR Rating' when adding a pavement management treatment that does not affect rating for a paved road segment.

Sign Filters:

  • Added ability to filter for Empty/Not Empty on Sign Inventory Number field

Sign Module:

  • Added User-defined fields to the module; similar to how it is implemented in the Road Module.
  • Added column to Selected Supports grid to display the intersections the support is between on the road segment.
  • Added City/Township field (read-only) to Support Location grid.
  • Fixed bug where the module data was not fully refreshing after changing to a different support.
  • Fixed bug which could result in 'Out of Memory' exception after opening and closing the module repeatedly.

Sign Reports:

  • Added date range options to Maintenance Report for Signs and Supports, Maintenance Report for Signs, Maintenance Report for Supports reports.

TAMC Export:

  • Added option to double-click a project entry in the Current Projects Export form to load the data in the Project Builder for editing.
  • Fixed Current Projects Export form grid to display the Segment Name rather than the From Description
  • Fixed Current Projects Export form to update the number of records to export label to be updated when records are included/excluded.
  • Fixed bug which could result in duplicates for Planned Projects.
  • Standardized colors of editable vs non-editable columns on Current Projects Export form.

Traffic Count Module:

  • Added City/Township field (read-only) to Station Location grid.

Roadsoft 2017.4


New Features:

  • Completed code conversion TAMC Exports and Reporting.
  • Added new treatment definitions and project related fields for TAMC Export.

Export to File:

  • Added user-defined fields to the Guardrail export field options.
  • Added road-related fields to the Culvert export field options: Legal System, NFC, City/Twp, Road User-Defined fields, Road User Inventory ID, Lanes.
  • Added road-related fields to the Driveway export field options: Legal System, NFC, City/Twp, Road User-Defined fields, Road User Inventory ID, Lanes, Road Width/units, Surface Type.
  • Added road-related fields to the Guardrail export field options: Legal System, NFC, City/Twp, Road User-Defined fields, Road User Inventory ID, Lanes, Road Width/units, Surface Type.
  • Added road-related fields to the Linear PMark export field options: Legal System, NFC, City/Twp, Road User-Defined fields, Road User Inventory ID, Lanes, Road Width/units, Surface Type.
  • Added road-related fields to the Point PMark export field options: Legal System, NFC, City/Twp, Road User-Defined fields, Road User Inventory ID, Lanes, Road Width/units, Surface Type.
  • Added road-related fields to the Sidewalk export field options: Legal System, NFC, City/Twp, Road User-Defined fields, Road User Inventory ID, Lanes, Road Width/units, Surface Type.
  • Added road-related fields to the Traffic Count export field options: Legal System, NFC, City/Twp, Road User-Defined fields, Road User Inventory ID, Lanes, Road Width/units, Surface Type.
  • Added Rating - Latest Rating with Description field to Road export. Will export data field as '10 - Excellent'.

Project Builder:

  • Fixed missing parameter exception when Re-Segmenting a project.
  • Changed project search to keep the Select Project window open when opening/editing projects to allow repeated searches without having to re-open the Select Project window.

TAMC Export:

  • Changed TAMC export files from .txt to .xml format.
  • Added right-click menu options for selecting projects in the Current Projects Export window.
  • Stopped ability to export when duplicate ProjectIDs are present.

Sign Module:

  • Added feature for reordering signs on a support.

Sidewalk Filters:

  • Fixed 'Primary Key Violation' exception adding Obstruction value to a sidewalk filter.

Raodsoft 2017.3


New Features:

  • Completed code conversion for Pavement Management features with a newly designed Strategy Evaluation and Optimization interface.
  • Added Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) fields to the Road Module: Direction of InventoryAccess ControlMedian Type, and One/Two-Way Operations.
  • Migration of Michigan basemap framework features to MGF v17.
  • Updated Crash data for 2007 - 2015 (2016 data pending finalization by MDOT)
  • Updated Bridge data
  • Added submission feature to send Framework Map Change Requests to MDOT/CSS from Roadsoft map selections.

Bridge Module:

  • Added new Bridge Maintenance fields: Warrantee Project, Reactionary Project, Cost.

Culvert Module:

  • Fixed bug which would reload the selected culverts grid after saving which caused a possible delay and confusion as to which culvert is actually being edited in the module.

Export to File:

  • Added road-related fields to the culvert export field options: Legal System, NFC, City/Twp, Road User-Defined fields, Road User Inventory ID, Lanes, Road Width/units, Surface Type.
  • Added road-related fields to the sign export field options: Legal System, NFC, City/Twp, Road User-Defined fields, Road User Inventory ID, Lanes, Road Width/units, Surface Type.
  • Fixed bug which would exclude Traffic Count Stations with no traffic counts.

Filter Builder:

  • Fixed exception 'Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 0.0 to data type int' when deleting a saved filter.

Framework Change Requests:

  • Added support to submit Framework Map Change Requests to CSS.

Intersection Module:

  • Intersection Layer's stats for intersections now reflect the current filter applied.

Linear Mark Module:

  • Added ability to select Linear Mark segments on the map using the Select by Attribute functionality: by Segment, by PR, and by Framework Segment.
  • Fixed issue with an SQL deadlock when splitting a linear pavement marking segment.

Point PMark Reports:

  • Added missing fields (Length and Length Unit) to the export for the CSV of Point Pavement Marking Inventory Data report

Project Builder:

  • Added two new fields: Warranty Project and Reactionary Project

Road Reports:

  • Added the Rating Memo field to Rating History report.

Routine Maintenance:

  • The Open Saved Routine Maintenance Activity option now has column sorting, filtering,and searching features.


  • Fixed bug causing a return of no results after opening the Filter Builder or Report form for a module and then loading a saved filter if no filter was applied to the map layer.

Sign Module:

  • Fixed bug which prevented printing or deleting a Work Order from within the module.

Sign Search:

  • Fixed exception searching for Sign/Support based on Archived Date.

Sign Reports:

  • Fixed wrapping of Inv. No field on the Sign Inventory Report.

Traffic Count Module:

  • Fixed exception exporting Traffic Count data for MDOT caused by a null value in Station ID.

Work Orders:

  • Fixed bug which would create duplicate work order numbers if done via the Sign Work Order Control form more than once per day.
  • Fixed bug which would return zero results for Guardrail work orders.

LDC 2017.3


New Features:

  • Added Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) fields to the Road Module: Direction of InventoryAccess ControlMedian Type, and One/Two-Way Operations.
  • Updated to support Roadsoft 2017.3.