Export Layer to File

Roadsoft allows customers to export data from asset layers as various types of files for use in other applications. Map layers can be exported to the following file types: shapefile (SHP - ESRI standard), KML (Google Earth Keyhole Markup Language), CSV (Comma-Separated Values), TXT (tab-delimited), DBF (database file), and XML (Extensible Markup Language). Exported Roadsoft data is useful for analysis and use in other programs.

For example, programs can use CSV files to create graphs and charts. Google Earth can integrate data from exported KML files to help visualize asset locations. For more information on web integration options see Web Integration.

Roadsoft is also useful for converting shapefiles from programs like ArcGIS and AutoCad Map into KML format for use in other programs. When a shapefile downloads into Roadsoft, Roadsoft changes the projection into a Michigan Georef projection (a Michigan-specific projected coordinate system). Once the shapefile is converted, Roadsoft can export it in the same manner it exports built-in layers. However, when converting an imported layer like this, Roadsoft data cannot be included; only the data brought in with the original shapefile are available.

Select the desired layer from Map Layers list.

Select desired assets from the map, or leave all assets unselected to export all asset date.

Select the File option from the Main Menu Options.

Select the Export/Upload option.

Select Export Layer to File (Shapefile, KML, SCV, etc)… option.

Select the Export Only Selected Items check box button to use selected assets only or to use all assets in the database.

Add fields to the export.

Select desired fields from the Available Fields to Export list.

To select multiple fields, hold the CTRL button and select fields. To select a group of adjacent fields, hold the SHIFT button and click on two fields to select all the fields between them.

Select the Add button to include selected fields in the export.

Change the order of fields in the export.

Select the desired field from the Fields to Export list.

Select the Up Arrow button to move it higher up the list of fields, or select the Down Arrow button to move it lower down the list.

Remove fields from the export.

Select desired fields from the Fields to Export list.

To select multiple fields, hold the CTRL button and select fields. To select a group of adjacent fields, hold the SHIFT button and click on two fields to select all the fields between them.

Select the Remove button to include selected fields in the export.

Select the Export Type drop-down list to select the desired export file type.

Select the Browse button to select a location to save the export to.

Select the File Name field to enter a name for the file.

Roadsoft will remember the last used export settings and automatically load them the next time the Export Sign to shapefile window opens.

Select the Export button to export the file, or select the Cancel button to close the window without saving an export file.

Select the OK button once the file exports.