Roadsoft Tech Assist Tuesdays

In an effort to help provide personalized technical assistance to agencies in need, we are offering Roadsoft Tech Assist Tuesday Zoom sessions. Agencies can sign up and provide a list of items they would like to discuss, and CTT staff will do our best to answer the questions, demonstrate how to perform the tasks in Roadsoft products, help with software configuration, or in general do whatever we can to help.

Please fill out the form below with your requested dates, topics and issues.

Time slots will be broken up into one-hour increments, and will be offered between 9 am and noon on Tuesdays. Depending on the topic or issue you're having, the entire three hours may be assigned to your agency.

A Roadsoft representative will contact you shortly to confirm your time slot and discuss any details regarding your request.

Provide a list of people from your agency that you anticipate attending the training.

Please provide a list of topics your would like to discuss

Let us know the date and time you would like to meet and we'll be in touch to work out the details.

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